
Sunday, November 8, 2009


What is the meaning of EIGER's logo ? Outer circle in blue color means "World", triangle in blue color means "Adventure", and the surface base in red color means "Spirit". Thus, the meaning of EIGER's logo is "The Spirit of Adventure World".

was established in 1990 and it runs Adventure Business equipments trade marked as EIGER. EIGER is the name of a Switzerland mountain (3.970 m above sea level) which is well known as one of the three world mountain tops difficult to be climbed. The main products of EIGER include Bags, Clothing, Headwear, Footwear, Equipment and Accessories needed in adventure activities. Besides those products, EIGER also sells branded adventure product equipments such as Singing Rock and Bluewater.


  1. gimana yah,sebaiknya ke alam itu jangan hanya ingin menaklukan alam,karena alam g kan bisa di taklukan. mending kita berwisata ke alam sambil ibadah,sambil tafakur kebesaran Allah.seperti yang kami lakukan bersama TIM KSP (Kursi Seukeut Paningal) yang di adakan di hutan sancang-garut.
    apakah mungkin eiger melakukan sesuatu yang lain,contohnya mensupport kami.jadi tim adventure tidak hanya yang itu saja,ada sisi lain tim adventure yang mempunyai misi ibadah.terima kasih

    TIM KSP (Kursi Seukeut Paningal)
    1. Danu Wangsa (08122355713)
    2. Abah Komod (081320032503)
    3. Pesbuk

    perjalanan kami yang extreme yaitu ke hutan sancang-garut

  2. life is never flat....
    adventure always be my hobby ...
    life without adventure make me feel empty...........


